Useful Philatelic
This page contains links to other Internet sites.
Great Britain
Philatelic Society
The GBPS holds eight meetings a year, with major GB dealers in
Experts in each reign are willing to help members with their
The Society has a large collection of books that are accessible
to members by post.
The GBPS holds an annual conference at a different location in
the UK each year.
Royal Philatelic
The Society has a worldwide membership of several thousand, most
of whom are established philatelists.
Whilst most of the programme of talks and displays are given at
their premises in London, regional events are also held throughout the UK each
The Society has an excellent library, in which all major
philatelic books and journals may be found. Many of these are available for
loan to members.
One of the important facilities available to both members and
non-members is the Royal’s expert service, which provides validation
certificates for both stamps and other philatelic items for a standard fee.
North West
Federation of Philatelic Societies
The NW Federation website contains links to all the affiliated
societies in the North West region.
Lists of specialist philatelic speakers are also made available.
The Association
of British Philatelic Societies
Caters for the needs of collectors through the Federations and
local societies and those interested in philately.
Membership of the Association falls into various categories
being Federations, Specialist, National and Local Societies and Overseas
To assist in the organisation of an annual congress which acts
as a national focus for philately within the British Isles.
Issues a quarterly journal, ABPS News, which publicises the work
of affiliated Federations and Societies at a local and national level and
reports on developments within philately.
British Thematic Association
A national association for stamp collectors, philatelists
and postcard collectors who like to collect ‘thematically’, that is following a
chosen theme (e.g. ships, birds, medicinal plants) or relating a story (e.g.
the development of the bicycle or the history of flight).
British Library – Philately
The British Library houses the National Philatelic Collections
of the United Kingdom. The collections were established in 1891 and about 50
important collections or archives are held. It is one of the world’s most
important centres for philatelic research.
The total holdings consist of over eight million items
representing almost all countries and periods, and include: – postage stamps,
revenue stamps, postal history, airmails, booklets, railway letter stamps,
postal stationery, telegraph stamps, local and private posts, ‘Cinderella’
material including poster stamps and philatelic literature.
Stamp Magazines
Gibbons Stamp
Stamp Magazine
Stamp Collector